Code your robot

Hook up your USB cable, then click connect

Choose the connection with ACM in the name


    (Click below for Instructions:)

🗀 The codekitty module

To use (import):

from codekitty import *

🗀 Moving


drive forward for x seconds


drive backward for x seconds


turn left for x seconds


turn right for x seconds

🗀 Sounds


Have your kitty robot say “meow”


Have your kitty robot purrr (happy kitty!)


make a beep sound

🗀 Colors

To use colors, use a value in the colors[] dictionary


use a color (replace c with the name of the color)

for c in colors[]: print c

list all the colors in colors[]

*Note: The color black sets the color to off. This is especially useful for the Neopixels…

🗀 Lights

The CircuitPlayground board in your robot has ten multi-color LED lights called Neopixels. The Neopixels are numbered starting at 0 (zero) on the light to the left of the USB port, and going around counterclockwise. This means the pixels are numbered 0-9 and not 1-10.

To use them, you specify which pixel (as a number 1-10) you want to work on, and then what color to make it. For example, to set the third LED to blue:

pixels[2] = colors["blue"]

If you want to set all of the pixels, you can use the special fill method. For example, to set all the pixels to purple:


🗀 Time and Sleep

One (very) common task you will do when coding is to have your program wait a little bit. One of the built-in modules, time, contains a function called sleep.

For example, to have your program wait for two and a half seconds, first import the sleep function:

from time import sleep

Then call sleep with an argument of 3 (for 3 seconds):


🗀 Sensors

A sensor is a device that measures something. Your CircuitPlayground board has 15 built-in sensors! Click the sections below to see how to use some of the sensors on your board:

🗀 Motion

The motion sensor on your CircuitPlayground board is called an accelerometer. They measure movement along the X (side-to-side), Y (forward/backward), and Z (up/down) axis. This requires a little bit of setup in your code, but allows you to do some really cool things!

If you want to see the values coming from the motion sensor, try this code:

import time
import board
import adafruit_lis3dh
import busio

i2c = busio.I2C(board.ACCELEROMETER_SCL, board.ACCELEROMETER_SDA) lis3dh = adafruit_lis3dh.LIS3DH_I2C(i2c, address=0x19) lis3dh.range = adafruit_lis3dh.RANGE_8_G

while True: x, y, z = lis3dh.acceleration print((x, y, z)) time.sleep(0.1)

🗀 Light

There is a light sensor built in to your CircuitPlayground too! While it’s not a camera and can’t actually see, it can detect how much light there is. To read the value of the light sensor into a light variable, use:

import board
import analogio

light = analogio.AnalogIn(board.LIGHT) print(light.value)

🗀 Buttons

Your CircuitPlayground board has two buttons which you use in your code! The buttons are called Button_A and Button_B. For example, if you want to have Button_A turn on the red LED on your board, use:

import time
import board
import digitalio

led = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.D13) led.switch_to_output()

button = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.BUTTON_A) button.switch_to_input(pull=digitalio.Pull.DOWN)

while True: if button.value: led.value = True else: led.value = False

time<span style="color:#f92672">.</span>sleep(<span style="color:#ae81ff">0.01</span>)

🗀 Learn More

There is so much more you can do with your robot, and with the CircuitPlayground board in it!

For way more details and tons of fun example projects, check out

Adafruit’s Circuit Playground Bluefruit page!